Why is Neuromarketing Important?
Quick Links Introduction The Won't Say Problem Examples in Research Answering Honestly Cheating and Lying Paying Attention to Questions The Can't Say ...
The Halo Effect: What is Beautiful is also good
The Halo Effect The internet was in outrage when Pete Davidson, a man who’s sense of humor largely overshadows his conventional attractiveness, dated ...
You have Two Brains and Only One of Them is Rational
You Have Two Brains Have you ever made a shortsighted and irrational decision? If your answer is yes, you’re probably human.
Design Better Marketing Research
Neuromarketing has become increasingly popular as a research method for businesses looking to understand consumer behavior, but many companies fail ...
Loud Environments Reduce Self Control
Picture this: You sit down in a comfy booth at a loud restaurant. You take a deep breath as you settle in; it’s been a long day. As you’re deciding ...